“Greatness was passing, hidden, down Bond Street, removed only by a hand’s-breadth from ordinary people” (16).
Bond Street is by far one of the most high-class streets in London. It is full of the most fashionable shops, and visited by the most famous people, as Lucrezia Smith is describing in this passage. Bond Street separates the exquisite from the ordinary, and has for the last three centuries. Woolf uses Bond Street to show that Clarissa, Lucrezia, Septimus, and all of the main characters are ordinary people based on their social statuses.
Works Cited:
Long, Christopher A. "Bond Street." Christopher Long. 27 Sept. 2008. http://www.christopherlong.co.uk/pri/bonstr.html
Bond Street is by far one of the most high-class streets in London. It is full of the most fashionable shops, and visited by the most famous people, as Lucrezia Smith is describing in this passage. Bond Street separates the exquisite from the ordinary, and has for the last three centuries. Woolf uses Bond Street to show that Clarissa, Lucrezia, Septimus, and all of the main characters are ordinary people based on their social statuses.
Works Cited:
Long, Christopher A. "Bond Street." Christopher Long. 27 Sept. 2008. http://www.christopherlong.co.uk/pri/bonstr.html
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