“with little pockets of Holland (shaped something like a Highlander’s purse) tied in front of their frocks” (45).
A Highlander was a Scottish soldier; his purse was a small bag tied to a belt that held small treasures and valuables. The more affluent soldiers decorated their purses with silver tops and tassels to show their wealth. Brontë compares the pockets of the girls’ frocks to a Highlander’s purse to show that they do not have much personal property at the school for orphans. Jane had never been around orphans other than herself, and she is startled to see dozens of girls all dressed the same.
A Highlander was a Scottish soldier; his purse was a small bag tied to a belt that held small treasures and valuables. The more affluent soldiers decorated their purses with silver tops and tassels to show their wealth. Brontë compares the pockets of the girls’ frocks to a Highlander’s purse to show that they do not have much personal property at the school for orphans. Jane had never been around orphans other than herself, and she is startled to see dozens of girls all dressed the same.
Works Cited: "Highland Dress For Men." Scottish Tartans Authority. Scottish Tartans Authority. 30 Nov. 2008 http://www.tartansauthority.com/web/site/highland_dress/highland_dress.asp
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