“At this moment she could devour him, not ravenously but adoringly, infinitely gently, the way she used to take the Host into her mouth before she married and converted” (76).
The Host refers to the Eucharist in a Catholic Mass. The Eucharist is believed to be the body of Christ and is generally a cracker that is ingested during each service. Cunningham uses the Host to compare to the way Mrs. Brown feels about her son. The Host is not something that should be taken greedily, but rather savored and cherished, which is how Mrs. Brown feels about her son.
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The Host refers to the Eucharist in a Catholic Mass. The Eucharist is believed to be the body of Christ and is generally a cracker that is ingested during each service. Cunningham uses the Host to compare to the way Mrs. Brown feels about her son. The Host is not something that should be taken greedily, but rather savored and cherished, which is how Mrs. Brown feels about her son.
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an interesting connection to be certain -- religion and spirituality is something we haven't discussed much in class with regards to the lit, but it is an important thematic concern across the titles we have and will read