Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blake and Dachau


“Yeah, well, so’s Dachau.  I’d never forgive somebody who did that…” (Chapter 2, Page 2, Panel 1).

Laurie compares her mother’s near rape to the political concentration camp from World War II, Dachau.  Comparing the rape to Dachau is significant because the United States desperately trying to prevent a third world war, and this mention of a World War II concentration camp foreshadows the impending war and the atrocities that will come with a war.  Moore uses Dachau as the concentration camp to compare the rape to because Dachau was primarily meant for political prisoners and anyone who was not Jewish but still opposed to the Nazi regime.  This connects to Blake, the man who tried to rape Laurie’s mother.  Blake was politically active and the connection to a political prison camp shows Moore’s distaste for Blake’s political beliefs and for Dachau’s existence.

Works Cited:  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "Dachau." Holocaust Encyclopedia. 19 Feb. 2009 <>.

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