Wednesday, February 4, 2009


watchmen chapter 10Chapter 10, Page 1, Panel 2

On the instrument panel of the military plane shown in this panel, a indicator light shows that the nation is in DEFCON 2.  DEFCON stands for DEFense CONdition, and contains 5 different levels which vary the military severity according to the dangers the nation faces.  The lower the number, the higher the military severity.  At this point in the novel, the United States is on the brink of a war because Dr. Manhattan has left the planet.  Moore uses military references that actually exist to keep readers feeling familiar with part of the text.  Then, when they encounter something that they find hard to believe, they can recall that parts of the novel are plausible and familiar to them, and then they won’t doubt everything they’re reading.

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1 comment:

  1. why else would Moore use a real threat level indicator besides basic plausibility? What does it do to the reader to see a reference to an alert system that could signify the end of the world?
