“He had the pose of a Buddha preaching in European clothes and without a lotus-flower” (6).
Guatama Buddha is the founder of the religion, Buddhism. Buddhists believe in seeking a state of enlightenment and truth. The lotus-flower is symbolic to Buddhists, representing spiritual and mental purity. If the narrator is comparing Marlow to Buddha, he could be hinting that he is not mentally or spiritually pure.
Guatama Buddha is the founder of the religion, Buddhism. Buddhists believe in seeking a state of enlightenment and truth. The lotus-flower is symbolic to Buddhists, representing spiritual and mental purity. If the narrator is comparing Marlow to Buddha, he could be hinting that he is not mentally or spiritually pure.
Works Cited: "Buddhist Lotus Symbol." Religion Facts. 17 Apr. 2004. 26 Aug. 2008 http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/symbols/lotus.htm