“It had borne all the ships whose names are like jewels flashing in the night of time, from the Golden Hind returning with her round flanks full of treasure, to be visited by the Queen’s Highness and thus pass out of the gigantic tale, to the Erebus and Terror, bound on other conquests—and that never returned” (4).
The Golden Hind is the only ship of Sir Francis Drake’s that survived his three-year voyage around the globe. When it returned to England, its holds were full of treasures from every corner of the world, their value totaling an estimated £600,000 in 1580 (equivalent to around £25 million today).
The Erebus and the Terror were the two ships that Sir John Franklin commandeered when searching for the Northwest Passage. Neither ship returned to docks in England.
The Golden Hind is the only ship of Sir Francis Drake’s that survived his three-year voyage around the globe. When it returned to England, its holds were full of treasures from every corner of the world, their value totaling an estimated £600,000 in 1580 (equivalent to around £25 million today).
The Erebus and the Terror were the two ships that Sir John Franklin commandeered when searching for the Northwest Passage. Neither ship returned to docks in England.
Works Cited:
Ward, Paul. "Erebus and Terror, Ships of the Antarctic Explorers." Cool Antartica. 17 Aug. 2008. 25 Aug. 2008 http://www.coolantarctica.com/antarctica%20fact%20file/history/antarctic_ships/erebus_terror_franklin.htm
"The Voyage." Golden Hind. 25 Aug. 2008 http://www.goldenhind.co.uk/education/worksheets/voyage.html
I really, really like seeing such attention paid to citations of not only text information, but the images as well. This is exceptional.