“It had known and served all the men of whom the nation is proud, from Sir Francis Drake to Sir John Franklin, knights all” (4).
Sir Francis Drake was a sailor from the 16th century who took a small fleet of ships on a lengthy voyage that was supposed to take them into the Nile River, but their true destination was the Pacific Ocean. After losing most of his fleet, he eventually circumnavigated the globe taking three years and accumulating approximately 36,000 miles on his ship.
Sir John Franklin led an expedition into the Arctic during the 19th century that proved to be quite dangerous. Leading his 129 men into the Arctic, he searched for a passage across the top of the North American continent. After years without word from the explorers, search expeditions were sent out to find the missing voyagers; the search crews discovered bodies of several crewmembers frozen in the ice.
Sir Francis Drake was a sailor from the 16th century who took a small fleet of ships on a lengthy voyage that was supposed to take them into the Nile River, but their true destination was the Pacific Ocean. After losing most of his fleet, he eventually circumnavigated the globe taking three years and accumulating approximately 36,000 miles on his ship.
Sir John Franklin led an expedition into the Arctic during the 19th century that proved to be quite dangerous. Leading his 129 men into the Arctic, he searched for a passage across the top of the North American continent. After years without word from the explorers, search expeditions were sent out to find the missing voyagers; the search crews discovered bodies of several crewmembers frozen in the ice.
Works Cited:
"The Disastrous Expedition of Sir John Franklin." ESSORTMENT. 25 Aug. 2008 http://www.essortment.com/all/sirjohnfrank_reib.htm
"The Franklin Expedition." The Victorian Web. 27 Mar. 2002. 24 Aug. 2008 http://www.victorianweb.org/history/franklin/franklin.html
Seeler, Oliver. "Francis Drake the Voyage." Sir Francis Drake. 1996. 24 Aug. 2008 http://www.mcn.org/2/oseeler/voy.htm
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